
Friday, March 8, 2019

Gun Control †the right solution?! Essay

Is shoot control really the business solution to gun abuse? departing this really be effective? Will the American society be safer when guns be banned? Though in that respect are many questions, there is only one answer NO Liberals have tried to beg that banning guns from civilians is the best modal value to solve this task. However, this is not the right way to solve this problem for many reasonsFirst, to get details straight, guns do not exhaust people people kill people 100% of all homicides are committed by people. Secondly, banning would only leave criminals with guns, since they obtain them illegitimately anyway and law-abiding citizens would have no means of protection.Criminals now are committing less violent offensives that have minimal contact with people, knowing the fact that they might own guns, so if guns are banned criminals would commit more than violent crimes. Banning guns would give the g everyplacenment complete control over the people, by stripping them from their natural rights. Lastly, guns have cause more benefit than harm. harmonise to statistics, in 2005 gun ownership by citizens had stopped 2 come on of 3 rapes. The majority of people fatality gun ownership, polls in 2006 have shown that rough 86.25% of Americans do not want guns banned.Second, guns mostly used by law-abiding citizen have mostly been used for self-defense. Mr. Thomas Harrison, 60, says genius time a robber broke into our house and tried to attack my daughter fortunately I got my gun from my drawer and popped a treetop right into his knee. Guns are weapons of oppression, if guns were banned only oppressors would have guns and the oppressed would raze be more miserable. The founding fathers of this nation have made the right to bear arms in the Second Amendment the same founding fathers who snip up a government that still runs and functions as they envisioned.These founding fathers died and sacrificed themselves for the American people so that the y keep their natural rights and now these so called liberals want to change this right just because they think its harmful. If the American people genuinely let them do this what else, would the government try to extort from the peoples natural rights?Third, the problem with guns is that people are not ethically and morally behaved. If schools educated their students about guns and their consequences, most shots might not have been fired. Second, if parents were more responsible belongings weapons away form their children, and raised their children in the proper and right way,Americans would probably not have these problems.Guns should not be banned instead, they should be labored to find and obtain. Though this might sound strange, bullet, and shell prices should increase so that they are not affordable. Furthermore, background checks should be more thorough, and gun purchasers should manage a safety course and be officially certified by the government. In addition, bulletproo f vests should be more available for workers in banks and early(a) work places where valuables are stored. Moreover, schools should start teaching students how to cope with life, so that the newfangled generation might have a chance in life story in a peaceful society or era. Hopefully, if these suggestions and policies are followed the crime and homicide rate in the United States will drop by an estimated 35%.Liberals and gun control supporters might say that guns are the major weapons of slaughter and crime and that if banned crime would decrease. This is not true because some criminals will obtain these weapons illegally or use other types of weapons in orderliness to commit their crimes. Once again, people kill people not guns or any other type of weapons. The answer to this problem is education not violation. In other words, stick to the constitution and start educating.urbandreams.ousd.k12.ca.us/lessonplans/parrot/handouts/student2.pdfwww.freerepublic.com/assembly/a3a35a7 8a525c.htm

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