
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience

Trace how Flake's thought develops from his poem ‘The Lamb' and ‘The Tiger' together- â€Å"l have no name: I am but two days old. † What shall I call thee? â€Å"l happy am, Joy is my name. † Sweet Joy befall thee! † ‘ The good character as well as the bad abstractions such as virtues and vices is framed up in symbols to elaborate their suggestiveness and implications. Flake's cosmology is too large and complex to be given in brief. His symbols help to express his visions which may be obscure to a common reader.Blake says: â€Å"Allegory is addressed to the intellectual powers, while it is altogether hidden from the corporeal. Understanding is my definition of the Most Sublime Poetry. † From this it is clear that in his view poetry is concerned with something else than the phenomenal world and that the only meaner of expressing it is through what he calls ‘allegory. For Blake allegory is a system of symbols which presents events in a spiritual world. The modest Rose puts forth a thorn, The humble Sheep a threatening horn; White the Lily white shall in love delight, Nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright. † Blake imagined himself under spiritual influences. He saw various forms and heard he voices of angels, fairies, kings of the past and even God; the past and future were before him and he heard in imagination, even the awful voice which called on Adam amongst the trees of the garden. In this kind of dreaming abstraction, he lived much of his life; all his s works are stamped with it.Though this visionary aspect explains much of the mysticism and obscurity of his work, it is also the element that makes his poems singular in loveliness and beauty. It is amazing that he could thus, month after month and year after year, lay down his engraver after it had earned him his lily wages, and retire from s the battle, to his imagination where he could experience scenes of more than-earthly splendor and c reatures pure as unfasten dew. Like Sweeteners, Blake narrates things unheard and unseen; more purely a mystic than Sweeteners, he does not condescend to dialectics and scholastic divinity.Those who fancy that a dozen stony syllogisms seal up the perennial fountain of our deepest questions, will affirm that Flake's belief was an illusion, constant and self-consistent and harmonious with the world throughout the whole of a man's life, cannot differ from much reality. However, it is also important to note hat he was unlike common atheists. â€Å"Selfish Father of Men! Cruel, Jealous, selfish Fear! Can delight, Chained in night, The virgins of youth and morning bear? In the clash of creeds, it is always a comfort to remember that sects with their sectaries, orthodox or otherwise, could not intersect all, if they were not in the same plane. [My spiritual intelligence is certainly becoming confused by your words of conflicting conclusions, therefore ascending one of them; please reveal definitely that by which I may obtain the greatest benefit. ] We find in Flake's poetry many of the elements characterizing Romantic poetry. The world of imagination is the world of Eternity', says Blake.In his championship of liberty, his mysticism, naturalism, idealization of childhood, and simplicity Blake could be called a precursor of Romantic poetry in nineteenth century England. â€Å"Now enjoy†¦. Dip him in the river who loves water†¦.. The busy bee has no time for sorrow†¦.. The most sublime act is to set another before you†¦ The cistern contains: the fountain overflow†¦. † In explaining these lines we waver in interpreting the drops of tears that water the heaven as the outcome of the rage of the defeated rebelling angels or as tears of Eric.If this wrath is one of the two aspects of God, the tiger's cruelty and wildness is only superficially fearful. It can otherwise be construed as a prophetic rage. But after, all wrath and mercy unite at the same point where the ultimate reality of God is felt. There are two meaner for the achievement of the goal, the first being through the ‘innocence' of the lamb and other being through the ‘experience' of the tiger. The close of the poem gives us the clue: the daring of the creator whether God or man is the cleansing wrath of the tiger. Blake is first and foremost a poet of visions and mysticism.But of, his visions are not confined to a narrow streamline of thought about futurity alone; they take the present into consideration and unfold those aspects of contemporary society detrimental to free growth of the mental powers of man. He ridicules the artificial ethos of religion that professes a complete negation of man's sensual life and vehemently argues for a more complete life which combines the senses and the spirit. He probes beneath the surface of things and exposes the roots of social vices, the hidden sores and scars of a tradition-bound society. â€Å"Can a mot her sit and hear An infant groan, and infant fear? No, no! Ever can it be! Never, never can it be! † Flake's maxim that the human soul is made of contrary elements can be applied here also. Indistinct and imagination or the beastly and divine nature of man is necessary for a fuller life of the soul and for its progress. It is a grievous mistake to sanctify the lamb and turn an eye of defiance towards the tiger. Blake opposes such a view and gives equal prominence to sense and soul, the wild and meek aspects of human beings. â€Å"Does spring hide its Joy When buds and blossoms grow? † What holds our attention is not merely the brute's beauty but the mystery and repose behind its creation.In ‘The Lamb' the poet visualizes the holiness of the lamb and child and unifies them with Jesus Christ. It is obvious that the link that connects these figures is ‘innocence'. The harmlessness of the lamb and the purity of the heart of a child are nothing but the manifestat ion of heart nor does he act premeditatedly. The air of innocence is clearly visible on the face of all the three of them. â€Å"How sweet is the Shepherd's sweet lot! From the morn to the evening he strays; He shall follow his sheep all the day, And his tongue shall be filled with praise. †More than this element of innocence there is another thread of connection between the lamb and Christ. Christ refers to himself as the Lamb of God: â€Å"The lamb of God that take away the sin of the world. † In the Bible Christ is referred to both as a lamb and as a shepherd. In this aspect the lamb has a religious significance too. (â€Å"The whole universe is a symbol, and God is the essence behind. † ? Swami Vegetarian ?) ‘The Tiger' displays the poet's excellence in craftsmanship and descriptive skill. In the forest of experience Blake finds the bright- eyed tiger which appears to involve all the cosmic forces.The tiger has made its appearances in the ‘Prophe tic books' of Blake. The poet's reliance in the cosmic and preternatural forces is increasingly exemplified and asserted when he describes the creation and the creator of the tiger. The creator is a supernatural being and not necessarily the Christian God. The creation, according to another elucidation takes place in an extraordinary cosmic commotion. When the constellations turn round in their course there is a move from light to darkness. The pattern and method of asking questions here are quite different from those employed in ‘The Lamb'.In ‘The Tiger' the questions are put in a terrified and awe-inspired tone. It is also held that ‘The Tiger' deals with the colossal problem of evil, but in Blake evil does not exist as an abstract quality. Instead, the evil is embodied in the wrath of God. Christ, like all other Gods, has a dual duty. He punishes the sinners and offenders and loves the followers. Thus Christ or God becomes the God of both love and unkindness. Th e fire is a popular symbol of wrath. Milton and Spencer have described wrath as fire, but we are not to misapprehend Flake's use of wrath as one of the ‘deadly sins' by the miracle and morality plays.Blake finds virtue in wrath and what he describes in the righteous indignation or the wrath of a pious soul. In addition to this, if we also construe the symbolic meaning of the forest, then we can substantiate the meaning of the lines. â€Å"Tiger Tiger burning bright In the forests of the night. † The poet is struck with surprise and awe to behold the wild animal's majestic elegance and grandeur. Its symmetry is fearful and the glow of its eyes is unearthly. When the process of creation is over, â€Å"a terrible beauty is born. † The strength of the animal and its moves/ are its peculiar features.The tiger beyond its superficial tatty is a prototype of God whose harsher aspect is present n the wildness of the creature. It is a contrast and counterpart to the innoce nce of the lamb. The poet wonders: â€Å"Did he who made the Lamb make thee? † In the poem ‘The Tiger' a description of the process of creation is given, but no clarification is given about who the creator is. In the first stanza the creator is described as having wings by which he may have reached the skies to bring the fire for the luster of the wild beast.The creation of the tiger is conveyed in words and phrases which, though meaningful in their totality, do not yield any explicit elucidation of the creator. We sense the strong shoulders thrusting forward in the process of forging the body of the carnivore. The dexterity of the strokes is further conveyed in the ‘dread hand' which is gifted with unprecedented craftsmanship. If the ‘dread feet' and ‘dread hand' are applied to those of the busily engaged creator we can elicit the fact that those limbs are busy in working diligently.At the moment of achieving the perfection of his sublime creation the poem grows tense, the questions are broken in midway and the speaker's hindered gasps let out incomplete harass of exclamation. â€Å"The star floor. The watery shore. Is given thee till the break of day. † In the world of innocence even the meanest creature such as a lamb (which is low only in the eyes of human beings) is treated as having unbound divinity. Here is an exclusive unification of the three characters- Christ, child and the Lamb who constitute the Christian concept of ‘Trinity in the world of innocence. Flake's concept of God is closely aligned to his mysticism.He conceives of God as the very epitome of characteristics which man is capable of developing. If he nurtures these qualities, an can attain godliness-it merely depends on what set of qualities a man develops. A child asks a lamb if it knows its merciful creator, its feeder or the giver of its delightful and coos clothing of fleece. He also asks the lamb whether it knows who gave it its tender voice that fills the valleys with pleasant Joy and music. Quite childlike, the lines â€Å"Little lamb who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee? † are repeated, presumable with wonder in the eyes of the child. The speaker does not wait for any answer.He tells the lamb that its creator is one who is called after the name of the lamb itself. He is one who calls Himself a lamb. He is meek and mild and came on earth as a little child. The poem comes to have a meaningful pause at this juncture. The questions are asked, answers done and the child (or the poet) turns to conclude the lines in a wise hymnal vein or spiritual implication. He says: â€Å"l a child, and thou a lamb, We are called by His name:† Blake intends to suggest that the great purpose of wrath is to consume error, to annihilate those stubborn beliefs which cannot be removed by the tame â€Å"horses of instruction. It is typical of Blake to ask questions when he is overpowered by wonder ND amazement and it is effective especially in the case of this poem, where it results in an â€Å"intense improvisation†. The phrase fearful symmetry- whatever is possible in symbolic suggestions- is clearly the initial puzzle† the ‘symmetry implies an ordering hand or intelligence, the fearful' throws doubt about the benevolence of the creator. The forest of the night' is the darkness out of which the tiger looms brilliant by contrast: They also embody the doubt or confusion that surrounds the origins of the tiger.In the case of the lamb the creator â€Å"is meek and he is mild†:†He became a little hill†. In the case of the tiger creator is again like what he creates. The form that must be supplied Him is now that of the Promethean Smith working violently at the forge. The tiger is an image of the Creator: its dreaded terror must be His. â€Å"In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thin eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire ? † There is scarcely any poem in Songs of Innocence and of Experience which does not have a symbolic or allegorical or allusive implication.Though these poems are rendered in the simplest possible poems is somewhat scriptural- simple and rebound at the same time. The Biblical allusions add prodigious significance to his poems when foe example, we read the ‘The Shepherd' it commemorates Christ as the Good Shepherd and reminds us that the parables are clad in pastoral elements. Without reference to the Bible the poem, ‘The Shepherd' is meaningless and insignificant. Furthermore, Blake makes use of Biblical phrases too, as we see in the poem ‘The Lamb'. Gave thee life, and bid thee feed, By the stream and o'er the mead; Gave thee clothing of delight, Softest clothing, woolly, bright: Gave thee such a tender voice, Making all the vales rejoice? † In Songs of Innocence and of Experience, Flake's symbols are not as obscure or abstruse as we find them in his other poems. In his later poems (Prophetic Books) they are rather incomprehensible. The principal symbols used by Blake have been classified by critics as innocence symbols. Many of these, of course, overlap, and among themselves weave richness into Flake's poetry. Then come home, my children, the sun is gone down, And the dews of night arise†¦ † In the first, the word ‘dews' evokes an image of harmlessness but in the second context it evokes a feeling of chill and damp. In the first there is a feeling that the eight will pass, but in the second poem the word â€Å"dew' assumes further ramifications of meaning. It implies materialism, the philosophy of experience, the indifference to spiritual truth. Knowledge of these symbolic meanings enriches our understanding of the poem. Blake gives his own interpretation to traditional symbols.The rose traditionally associated with love and modesty assumes the aura of ‘sicknesses and disease in Blake for he considered l ove to be free and honest and open in order to be good. The lily's purity assumes added depth in Flake's poetry, not because it is chaste but because it feels honestly. The sun flower's movement with the sun has deep meaning: on the one hand it represents a search for spirituality: on the other, it expresses regret for being attached to the ground. The simple vocabulary and movement of Flake's verse should not lull us into a feeling that the thought too is childish.Indeed there is a complex thread of syllogism in his poetry that gives multiple layers of meaning to his words. Sometimes this syllogism even lends obscurity to his poems because it evolves out of Flake's own system of symbols. The manner in a particular mood is a remarkable illustrated in the ‘Nurse's Songs' in Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience occur in both poems: yet the feelings evoked because of the accompanying words are in sharp contrast. â€Å"To this day they dwell In a lonely dell. Nor fear the w olfish howl Nor the lion's growl. The world of ‘Experience' welcomes a child of sorrow, who rather than being a fiend himself is also born into a monstrous world of totems and taboos. Strange to notice, it is not actually upon the growing boy that the shadows of prison house close; on the other hand, the shadows spread on the infant at the moment of birth itself. Predictably enough, there is no scope of a ‘heaven' lying about its infancy. Its struggle begins from the very moment of its birth, it is choked from the very start of its life and it finds its only rest on its mother's breast.As a contrast to ‘Infant Joy here the child is not a ‘Joy but a fiend' and neither its mother nor the father, though it is not explicit from Flake's poem, accords a warm s welcome to him. The child hides behind the cloud. The speaker is evidently the child himself who laments against life. â€Å"But to go to school in a summer morn, Oh! It drives all Joy away Under a cruel eye outworn The little ones spend the day In sighing and dismay. † Admittedly, the poem brings out Flake's ideas on love and hints at his well-known belief that sex is not sinful.For Blake nakedness is a symbol of pure innocence and he lauds uninhabited love. The Golden Age is that in which the people have love for their fellowmen and mingle with one another freely. In the Golden Age love is not a crime but a grace and beauty signaling unbridled innocence, but in the present age the most tender sentiments are frozen by the trembling fear' coming from the cruel eyes of experience. â€Å"In every cry of every Man In every Infant's cry of fear In every voice, in every ban The mind-forged manacles I hear. Flake's vision of man in Songs of Experience, especially with reference to ‘A Divine Image' can be summed up as, The human dress is forge iron The human form is a fiery forge, The human face a furnace sealed, The human heart its hungry gorge. † The poem ‘A Divine Image' is a contrast to ‘The Divine Image' in its very title. In ‘The Divine Image', the definite article ‘The' shows the real, one and only Divine Image. In ‘A Divine Image' the indefinite article ‘A' points at a particular divine image which has a unique growth.The contrast is also visible in the two stanzas of these two poems. â€Å"For Mercy has a human heart, Pity a human face, And Love the human form divine. Love, Mercy, Pity, Peace†¦ † Can be seen as a stark contrast to the lines of ‘A Divine Image' that run as: â€Å"Cruelty has a human heart And Jealousy a human face; Terror the human form divine And Secrecy the human dress. † This is truly terrifying. His soul (the human form) is burning with frightfulness within the iron body of secrecy (the condition of deceit; his face is a furnace sealed up wherein Jealousy rages; his heart is recklessly cruel.The imagery is similar to that of ‘The Tiger', but where the Tiger had broken all bounds as a symbol of regeneration, man is here imprisoned in a ‘dress' of an iron suit, of his own forging; and all his energies burn within it, consuming him. â€Å"For I dance, And strength and breadth, And the want Of thought is death;† Blake is not merely a revolutionary thinker on man's physical or corporeal freedom; he is also one who broods over the spiritual freedom or spiritual salvation of mankind.The former point, showing Blake as a humanitarian, cans be well understood from poems such as ‘The Chimney-sweeper', ‘Holy Thursday and ‘A little Girl Lost'. In all these cases Flake's fury makes him lash out at the hypocrisy of man and the society that enslaves children to utter lifelessness. In ‘Holy Thursday Flake's sympathetic and compassionate heart shares the agony of the children and his pent up feelings are let out through an ironical comment: â€Å"Beneath them sit the aged men wise guardians of the poor, Then cheris h pity, lest you drive an angel from your door. William Blake is considered a precursor of Romantic Movement in English Literature. Romanticism laid considerable stress on the elements of imagination, tauter worship, humanitarianism, liberty, mysticism and symbolism. It differed from the outlook expounded by the preceding age of Neo classicism which promoted the notion of reason, balance and logic with regard to prose and poetry. The Romantic creed of poetry rests on recording the simple emotions of humanity in a simple diction. Recollections of childhood (nostalgia) are also a common subject of Romanticism. When the voice of children are heard on the green And whisperings are in the dale, The days of my youth rise fresh in my mind, My face turns green and pale. † But of, the flood of feelings gains more fury in the poem of the same title in Songs of Experience: â€Å"Is this a holy thing to see In a rich and fruitful land. Babes reduced to misery, Fed with cold and usurious hand? † With vehemence Blake argues for the freedom of human energy too. He deplores any religion that denies sexual and emotional life of man. Virility and vigor are divine and its free play should never be hindered. He is called by thy name, For he calls Himself a Lamb. He is meek, and He is mild; He became a little child. † Many of Flake's poems celebrate the divinity and innocence of not merely the child UT also the least harmless of creatures on earth, namely the lamb. The child asks the lamb if it knows who has created out. The child does not wait but answers his questions himself. He does so, we feel, not because the lamb cannot communicate, but because the child is so enthusiastic and eager to mention the creator and his virtues.He refers to the meekness of Christ, his glorious infancy as well as his reference to himself as a lamb. He concludes with a reference to his own and the lamb's affinity to God and thus establishes their oneness. Qualities of simplicity, innocence and divinity are extended even to the world of animals and the innocent creatures like the lamb are raised from their level of lowness in the human eye. Both the child and Christ are unified with the lamb and the three forms the Trinity on earth. â€Å"Tiger! Tiger! Burning bright In the forest of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? In ‘The Shepherd' the Shepherd is depicted as enjoying vast freedom, and his fortune is praised. He is so fortunate that he can wander about in carefree way wherever he chooses and sing in praise of God. Not only is he always near his lambs, listening to heir innocent cries, bleats and answering bleats ,but he is never exposed to the world of ‘Experience' where he may be startled by roars of cruelty and fierceness. This is a simple pastoral poem in which liberty and freedom are praised. We are again brought to realize the affinity of lamb and innocence. Frowning, frowning night, O'er this desert br ight Let the moon arise, While I close my eyes. † The pastoral convention, which represents the occupations of shepherds in an idealized way, against an idealized country background had to face severe criticism in the eighteenth century because of its unreality. It was held that men and women were neither so Joyful nor carefree, nor so innocent, as they were represented; but according to Blake, young children do have these qualities, they live in a golden world of their own. This convention is used by Blake to give us an insight into childhood, and one ‘state of human soul'.In the poem, the poet tells us about the valley along which he goes piping and about his sudden meeting with a child. The child bids him pipe a song about a lamb- another pastoral element. The ‘pipe' is a conventional pastoral musical organ on which the shepherds play melodiously as the sheep graze. It is also worth nothing that when the child appeals to him to write down the song, the poet says â€Å"And I plucked a hollow reed, And I made a rural pen And I stained the water clear, And I wrote my happy songs Every child may Joy to hear. The phrase ‘reed', ‘rural pen' and Water clear' contributes much to the elements of pastorals or rustic innocence. In the so-called world of experience, callousness, tyranny and insincerity await the blithe new-comer and subject him to an entire transformation. The child -turned-youth experiences a curb on his spontaneous instincts, by the repelling codes of social moralities and etiquette. There is hypocrisy in full swing and there is cruelty. In this unsanitary forge, he is reshaped and bestowed with an altered outlook. He is no more the rollicking child.His fertile imagination yields to the aged atrophied intellect and mature reason. He is in fact fallen' or ‘lapsed'- fallen from his primordial abode of life. â€Å"What the hammer? What the chain? The two diverse natures- Innocence and Experience are essential for th e ultimate salvation of his soul. From experience man moves to a world of higher innocence. Blake seems to argue that Joy and peace, which man had experienced in his holding, can have solid foundations only if man has experienced and overcome the impediments and unpleasant realities which day to-day life presents.That is to say, to attain a higher innocence man must be tested by suffering and misery, physical as well as emotional; he must go through the actual experience of life. Through the state of childhood innocence is charming; it is not prefect and cannot last long. For spiritual elevation, lessons from both experience and innocence are essential. â€Å"And it bears the fruit of Deceit, Ruddy and sweet to eat: And the raven his nest has made In its thickest shade. † Flake's The Tiger blends child-like innocence with adult wisdom.The child-like innocence is revealed in the volley of questions and exclamations about the fearful symmetry of the tiger's body and the reactio ns of the stars and God to the tiger's creation. Like the innocent child the poet wonders to know who framed the tiger's body, fearful but well-proportioned: â€Å"What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? † The following volley of questions bears the stamp of child-like innocence: â€Å"Shades of the prison-house begin to close Upon the growing boy. †Like a child not contaminated by the evils of experience the poet is curious to know what instruments were used to frame the tiger's â€Å"fearful symmetry'. With the innocence of the child the poet thinks that the angels were so amazed to see the fearful tiger created that they threw down their spears and wept. He also wonders if God smiled with satisfaction to see his new creation (I. E. The tiger) – the wondering that becomes a child. Uniform spring and your day are wasted in play, And your winter and night in disguise. † With this child-like innocence is blended adult wisdom. The Tiger expresses the sadism (I. . Experience) that comes of age that becomes a man who has gone through his life. The wisdom sought to be conveyed is as follows. Man passes from innocence to experience. And for experience man has to pay a bitter price not merely in such unimportant things as comfort and peace of mind, but in the highest spiritual values. Experience debases and perverts noble desire. It destroys the state of childlike innocence and puts destructive forces in its place. It breaks the free life of imagination and substitutes a dark, cold, imprisoning fear, and the result is a deadly low to blithe human spirit.The fear and denial of life which come with experience breed hypocrisy which is as grave a sin as cruelty. To destroy these forces of experiences the benign creator assumes the role of a malignant creator. In the scheme of things the tiger is as much a necessity as the lamb. So the God who created the lamb also created tiger. In other words, is not only a God of mercy, b ut also a God of wrath, the creator of Satan and social and political cataclysms. Flake's conception of God here betrays a striking similarity with the Hondo hydrological Avatar theory. Round the laps of their mothers Many sisters and brothers, Like birds in their nest, Are ready for rest; And sport no more seen On the darkening Green. † It is indispensable that the boy who enjoyed full freedom and liberty in innocence ought to pass into experience. This is because the design of human life gives prominence to the contrariety of human nature without which there is no ‘progression'. A complete life on earth meaner the life of innocence and experience. Without experience or innocence the life cycle is incomplete and imperfect.The memos of Songs of Innocence and of Experience are based on this viewpoint of contrariety. â€Å"Why of the sheep do you not learn peace Because I don't want you to shear my fleece. † ‘The Tiger' is typically representative of the most characteristic features of ‘experience' which in the poetic context of Blake involves deep meaning. From this powerful symbol we construe that Blake was a devotee of energy which, for him, was an aspect of true divinity. In this poem the poet's irrepressible curiosity at the extraordinarily exquisite creation of God finds its vent in small broken questions.After wondering at the symmetry of its body and stripes, the luster of its eyes, the strong muscles, elegant paws and its powerful strides, the poet turns to the reaction of the creator when he beholds his own creation. The poet says that God may have smiled at the surrender of the rebelling angels at his own master craftsmanship in the creation of the tiger. The ‘stars' are the rebellious angels under Satan. When they failed to defeat God and were beaten they threw down their spears as in surrender and moaned for their defeat. It is after this event that God started creating inhabitants for the earth.So, at the time o f the defeat of the rebelling angels, God might have Just finished the creation of the awesome tiger and smiled on his hidden purpose behind all his acts. â€Å"Because I was happy upon the heath, And smiled among the winter's snow, They clothed me in the clothed of death, And taught me to sing the notes of woe. † ‘The Lamb' is the most significant poem in the section of Innocence not merely because it propounds the idea of innocence in the simplest way, but also because here we notice the poet extending the world of innocence even to the animals that re insignificant and base in the human eye.In this poem we see a child patting a lamb and asking if it knows who the giver of its life and brad is. He asks it whether it knows who has given it the silken fleece immaculate white and thin voice of its bleat. The child himself answers his questions. He defines the Almighty God as who is known after the name of his lamb who is meek and gentle. Since God descended to the earth as infant Jesus he is also called a child. The child, lamb and God are all brought to unite to form a single divine entity. The essence of the poem lies in these

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Paper on Cold-Rolling of Steels in Pil

[pic] INTRODUCTION ABOUT PENNAR INDUSTRIES LIMITED Pennar industries limited are a multi-product, multi-location enterprise. The company manufactures six different products. †¢ Cold rolled steel strips †¢ Cold rolled form sections †¢ Engineering components †¢ Road safety systems †¢ Precision tubes †¢ Fabrication Pennar industries has received the ISO 9001,2000 quality certification from RWTUV of Germany and committed to achieving excellence in the quality of product. The CRSS division, with its units at Patancheru, Isnapur and Chennai has combined annual cold rolling capacity of 1,20,000 Metric Tons. Pennar manufactures Steel Strips from 600mm to 750mm width and thickness range of 0. 25 to 5. 00mm both in coil and sheet form. Pennar caters to a wide range of customers from various sectors like: †¢ Automobiles †¢ Wide goods †¢ Domestic appliances †¢ Bearings †¢ General engineering industries FACILITIES: †¢ Quality control measures at every stage of the manyfacturing process, right from the selection of raw material to chemical analysis using spectrometer. †¢ Semi-continuous push-pell type pickling lines feed the rolling mill with scale free,iled and bright HR coils. †¢ PLC-Controlled MECON WEAN UNITED 4-HI Rolling Mill. Bell type annealing furnaces for heat treating of cold rolled steel strip †¢ Skin pass mills. CR Slitting lines and Cut to length lines. †¢ Every process is closely monitored and end products are subjected to a battery of tests to determine Hardness, Tensile strength, Yield strength,% of Elongation, cupping test and Bend test in order to meet stringent customer specification. †¢ Finished products are carefully packed, using polythene and gunny for coils and poly craft and wooden/steel pallets for sheets to provide total protection to the products during transit and handling. Pennar Industries group is well known for fulfilling their commitments. Many times they have been awarded and rewarded. [pic] PROCESS FLOW CHART (COLD ROLLED CLOSE ANNEALED STEEL STRIP) [pic][pic] RAW MATERIAL AND SOURCES The raw material for production of CRSS is ‘Hot Rolled Steel coils’ and these HR coils are produced by using â€Å"primary roughing mills† which is a 2-HI reversing mill with a 0. 6 to 1. 4 mm diameter rolls. The main purpose of the mill is to reduce casting ingots into blooms. The work piece has to be pass 10-20 times between the rolls, to have a desired width, the work piece is made to pass through â€Å"edge grooves†. HR colis are also produced in ‘Universal Mills’ without edge grooves. These coils are mainly low carbon steels which are either ‘Si’ or ‘Al’ killed. Specifications: Range 1. width 1350-1800 mm 2. Thickness 5-6 mm Ultimate Tensile strength 80 kg /mm2 Yield strength 40 kg/mm These Hot rolled coils are exported from many places like JINDAL STEEL WORKS (Karnataka), LLOYD STEELS LTD (Maharashtra), ESSAR STEELS LTD (Gujarat), ISPAT INDUSTRIES LTD (Maharashtra), SAIL etc.. There will be a sticker present on every HR coil and it will be as follows†¦ ISPAT INDUSTRIES LTD DIST-RAIGAD, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA Heat Number : 08201137 Coil Number : 0820113706/0 Grade/Specification : WG29AC Batch Number : 0001063785 Invoice Number : 2180040447 Invoice Date : 07. 05. 08 Net Weight : 23. 700MT / 52258. 501lbs Size : 1250. 00mm x 4. 00mm x mm Customer :Pennar Industries Limited Purchase Order No : 0021047514 A sample of these HR coils is taken and it is sent to spectroscopy lab for chemical analysis. SPECTROSCOPY Chemical analysis: Chemical composition of steels is checked by means of SPECTRO. Generally C, Si, Mn, P, S, Cr, Mo, Ni, Al, Cu, Nb, Ti, V, Sn, B, and N are analyzed. Test procedure for spector is as below. Preparation of sample: ? The sample must be free from slag inclusions, rust, grease, oil, fracture, voids. ? The sample must be handy for polishing. ? The dimension of the sample must be fit on the spark stand. ? The sample must be flat (to get completely seated on the spark stand). The sample is prepared on the abrasive disc grinder by using suitable abrasives having 60 grade coarseness. Method of Testing: The spectro lab is switched on half-n-hour before sparking for warming up. The spark stand is flushed with grade-I argon for few seconds before sparking. Before sparking the unknown, the primary standard/internal standards are sparked and results are compared. If the resul ts found to be ok sparking of the unknown sample is carried out by keeping the prepared unknown samples on spark stand in inverted position and is clamped and sparking is carried out. If the results are found not ok, the spectro lab is standardized with setting up samples (RE12, RE13, RE14, 5 SUS 5) supplied along with spectro lab. |[pic] | Each sample is sparked for minimum 2 times and the average results are recorded and print is taken out and the composition is known. These HR coils are sent to HR slitters.. HR SLITTERS Hot rolled coils are slitted as desired to provide material for cold-rolling. For slitting of HRSI in 1350 mm whereas HRSII is 1800 mm. he different parameters the coils,two slitters HRSI and HRSII are in use. The maximum slitting width are: Coil parameter input coil output coil Coil I. D500mm (or) 880mm 500 mm Coil O. D 1800 mm 1370(max) Coil weight 30 Tons(max) 10 tons(max) Strip thickness 5 mm – 8 mm 5 mm – 8 mm Width 1500 mm(max) 1500 mm(max) Line speed:250m/min. | |HOT ROLLED SLITTER | |[pic] | | | PICKLING Immersion of a metal component in a solution which is preferentially remove oxides and mill scales, with little effect upon the underlying metal. Solutions are usually acids or alkalies, often with addition of an inhibitors to minimize attack on the underlying metal. Typical solutions for plain carbon steels are: 5% HCl + 0. 05% Galvene at 15-500 C PROCESS: The aim of pickling is to remove the oxidation scales & rust formed during hot rolling. Initially the HR slitted coil strip is passed through three tanks called the ACID TANKS or PROCESS TANKS (Tanks 1, 2 & 3) in which the commercial HCL (Hydro Chloric Acid) acid is present with maximum concentration of 20%. In this pickling all the rust and scales on the sheet are removed. Once the sheet is passed through acid tanks it is then passed through rinse water tanks 1, 2 and 3. This is done so because after the coil is passed through the acid tanks the acid will be present on the coil/sheet. When we clean with soft water then it becomes safe for the operator. Once the coil/sheet is rinsed there are chances of getting corroded again that are why water is drained away from the coil/sheet by hot air drier and finally applied emulsion (Castrol) oil on the coil to prevent corrosion. The specifications of acid tanks 1, 2 and 3 are listed below: Acid Tank -1 Acid concentration : 2-7% % Iron content : 22max Temperature : 55-70oC Acid Tank-2 Acid concentration : 6-12% % Iron content : 22max Temperature : 50-65oC Acid Tank-3 Acid concentration : 9-16% Iron content : 20max Temperature : 45-60oC Types of pickling equipment: †¢ Cage picklers †¢ Push pull picklers †¢ Semi-continuous pickle lines †¢ Shallow picklers †¢ Turbulent pickling †¢ Spiral pickling. In pennar industries, we use semi-continuous pickling . [pic] The main reactions which take place during pickling are: Fe0+2HCl ( FeCl2+H2O Fe+2HCl ( FeCl2+H2 Care should be taken during pickling to pre vent the pitting, small holes and formation of spots on the coil due to over pickling will reduce the thickness of the sheet. When the pickling process is going on, by titration process we have to check he percentage of acid and iron in the tanks. TITRATION PROCESS: Titration process is carried out to know the percentage of iron and acid content in the tanks. This is because if the iron content exceeds the permissible level(20% Fe Content) in acid tank, then acid is to be taken off and new acid is added in the tanks to carry out pickling. Take 20ml of distilled water in a conical flask. Add 0. 2ml of Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to it. Then add few drops of acid indicator named Bromophenol blue AR with chemical formula C19H10O5SBr4 to obtain yellow coloured solution. Take Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) in a burette and note down the initial reading. Start titrating with NaOH solution till brown coloured solution (i. e. end-point) is obtained. Note down the final reading. The difference of the final and the initial reading is determined. From the table, the corresponding percentage of acid is noted down. Then add few drops of Orthophosphoric acid to neutralize the solution. Add few drops of iron indicator named Barium Diphenylamine Sulphonate GR with chemical formula C24H20BaN2O6S2 to obtain yellow colured solution. Take Potassium Dichromate (K2Cr2O7) in a burette and note the initial reading. Start titrating with K2Cr2O7 solution till brown coloured solution (i. . end-point) is reached. Note down the final reading. The difference of the final and the initial readings is determined. From the table, the corresponding percentage of iron is noted down. OBSERVATIONS: 1. Titration with NaOH: Initial Reading : 25. 2 Final Reading : 26. 9 Difference : 1. 7 From the table, 3. 06% of acid. 2. Titration with K2Cr2O7: Initial Reading : 22. 9 Final Reading : 29. 0 Difference : 6. 1 From the table, 17. 08% of iron content. NOTE: After pickling recoilng is carried out with tension and apply the emulsion oil to prevent corrosion. These pickled coils are processed to next stage i. e. , cold rolling. COLD ROLLING COLD ROLLING is the process where the material is deformed plastically by passing it between rolls below recrystallisation temperature. In pennar industries cold rolling is done by 4HI Reversible Cold Rolling Mill. The name itself indicates that it is a reversible mill i. e. the rollers can rotate in forward as well as in reverse directions. In 4 HI Rolling mill, there are four rollers, of which two are back-up rolls and another two are work rolls. The load is fed to the back-up rolls and the sheet is passed through the work rolls. The back-up rolls act as the driving rolls and the work rolls as driven rolls. The direction of driving and driven rolls is opposite to each other. [pic] 4 HI-COLD REVERSING MILL PROCESS: Pickled coils are reduced to final gauge at the 4HI mill by forward and reverse rolling with load applied on the work rolls through the SCREWDOWN MECHANISM. The coils are placed on the coil car by an EOT crane. The coil car is moved towards the mandrel to load it. After loading on the mandrel the coil is fed into the work roils through the pay off reel to the delivery tension mandrel (DTR). From DTR the coil is passed through rolls to Entry Tension Reel (ETR). The coil is reduced in each pass according to the required thickness. Most care is taken during rolling to maintain required tension and speed such that the possibilities of rolling defects are minimum. The pass from the pay-off to DTR is known as the first pass and for the second pass the coil is sent from DTR to ETR. The number of passes depends on gauge reduction / final requirement. The diameters of the back-up rolls are 610mm and the work rolls are of 225mm. The barrel lengths of the rolls are 700mm and 768mm. There is a gear box present for the screw down load. There are primary and secondary motors. The ratio of primary motor is of 1:16 and that of secondary motor is 1:32. The pitch of the screw down screw is 8mm and diameter is 180mm. At the weld portion the mill is slow down and the number wraps at which weld passed the roll bite is noted down the direction of rolling reversed. The tail end is clamped to the entry tension reel . tension and load are applied and level is checked. Guage is checked by the help of non contact guage and the mill is operated at higher speeds. The operation is repeated till the doil is finished to the final guage. Final pass reduction is maintained low i. e. , 8%-16%. To maintain shape coil is wounded on low tension. Final pass thickness is checked at operating and drive sides and it is maintained throughout the strip by adjusting load and tension after the rolling operation is over the coil end lap is wound,and bonded and transferred to the skid. TECHNICAL DATA ON ROLLING: MILL MANUFACTURES: Latest computer controlled MECON WEAN UNITED 4 HI cold reversing Mill GRADES : Mild steel[DDDEDDEDDSMEDIUM] SPECIFICATIONS : IS 513, IS 4397,IS 4030 STRIPSHEET WIDTH : 25 mm to 630 mm THICKNESS : 0. 25 mm to 6. 00 mm SURFACE FINSH : Bright, Fine Matt, Matt, Rough. BACK UP ROLL DIA : 610 mm to 567 mm WORK ROLLS DIA : 225 mm WORK ROLL LENGTH : 700 mm After cold rolling process, the grains are enlarged the coil becomes very hard due to work hardening and internal stresses that are developed in the material. In order to restore ductility and relieve internal stresses of the material ANNEALING has to be done. ANNEALING Annealing is the process of heat treatment by which the metal very ductile. It is also used to homogenize the material, composition by diffusion and it relieves the residual stresses which are arising from cold working. It also results in grain refinement by recrystallisation process. The temperature to which the metal is subjected and the time for which the temperature is maintained depends upon the parent metal and the particular properties that are desired on the final stage. In pennar industries annealing is generally carried out for following reasons:- ? To obtain softness. ? To increase or restore ductility. ? To relieve internal stresses. ? To refine grain structure. To homogenize the mechanical properties. In Pennar Industries SUB CRITICAL ANNEALING is carried out (below recrystallisation temperature). SUB CRITICAL ANNEALING Is a method of annealing while include heating of metal to the metal below the lower critical temperature. I. e. below 737C. Soaking for some time and cooling at a very slow rate in the furnace it self. ANNEALING PROCEDURE: Gener ally, Annealing is carried out in bell type furnaces or Electric arc furnaces which uses diesel and LPG as a fuel and temperature will be regulated by the fuel supply to undergo annealing process. BELL TYPE FURNACE [pic] TECHNICAL DATA: FURNACE : Apex and allied COIL DETAILS : OD 1200 -1700 ID 400 OR 500 CHARGE WEIGHTS : 30000 TO 40000 CHARGE HEIGHT : 2650 MM (MAX) FURNACE TEMP : 960 (MAX) FLOW METER FOR NITROGEN GAS: TEMPERATURE :86 0 C(MAX) PRESSURE : 1 PSI (MAX) The different stages in annealing process are as follows: Charging: The coils are stacked on the base in such a way that coils with decreasing diameter will be arranged from bottom to top. The coil should be stacked with centers of the coils and axis. If furnace stacking should be absolutely concentric so that uniform gap is obtained between the coils and inner cover. The intermediate concentricity should be provided between all the coils to ensure good circulation. Purging: The inner hood shall be brought on to the charge and fixed to the base. The protective gas flow starts at a rate of 15 Nm3/ hour and maintained for about 45 min, so that the initial air in the hood is fully replaced by the protective gas. This process is called as purging process. Heating: After the charging space has been filled with HYDROGEN and NITROGEN and flow rate of around 15m/hr, the heating can be commenced. All the settings and attachments needed to start the furnace are finished. The rate of heating depends upon the charge weight, % of reduction and carbon equalent. Generally heating rate is 40c/hour upto 520c and 30c/hour from above 520c. In PENNAR INDUSTRIES fired furnaces are used for heating. When the temperature at the thermocouple reaches the set point the fuel supply will be regulated periodically. Soaking: Maintaining the specific temperature of charge for required hours , is known as soaking. In the process the charge coil are soaked for some hours depending upon the different qualities of coils, under the required temperature. When the soaking is over, an audio alarm is given and the furnace is automatically disconnected by the central controls. The annealing cycle comes on end. Cooling: The furnace is removed from the base and cooling hood is brought on the base to expand the cooling process. The cooling hood is removed when the charge temperature reaches about 90c. At 90c the charge is ready for loading. After cooling, the coils are discharged from the base and are placed for air cooling. The coils are cooled completely for room temperature in 2 to 3 hrs, after which they are processed further. PSL consists of 33 bases, 14 furnaces and 16 cooling hoods in annealing yard. The loading capabilities of different bases are given. Bases capacity(tons) 22. 15-20 33. 25-30 Technical characteristics: Charge materials : MS,D,DD,EDD Stack height :2650 mm(max) Estimated coil dia : 1600(max) Charge temperature :300 C Annealing temp : 7300 C Bell furnace temp : 9000 C Flow of protective gases: During purging ;14 Nm3/hr During heating :8-10 Nm3/hr During cooling :2 Nm3/hr PROTECTIVE GAS PLANT Protective Gas plant is operated for producing Nitrogen in pennar steels ltd. Equipment:- In Pennar steels the Nitrogen gas produces from air by absorption with pure drier and ammonia cracker unit. PLANT CAPACITY :60 N. M3 HR TYPE :PSA 60. 7. 10 + DEOXO/NLPD 60. 7+CU 60. 7+NH3 -10E ANALYSIS :HYDROGEN APPROX 4% BY VOLUME OXYGEN MAX 10 PPM AMMONIA MAX 10-20PPM NITROGEN+RARE GASSES-BALANCE DEW POINT :APPROX 40 C WITH DELIVERY PRESSURE CONSUMPTION : GAS AMMONIA APPROX 1. 8 KG/HR AT MAX VALUES PRESSSURE OF 18 KG/CM2 POWER APPROX :49. 87 KWH/HR COOLING WATER :12. 5 M3/HR TEMP INLET : 300C TEMP OUTLET :400C PRESSURE :2-3 KG/CM2 SKIN PASS The annealed cold rolled strip is very limited in its usage because of the yield point phenomenon. When annealed strip is processed in the dead soft condition, it tends to yield unequally manifesting luder lines or stretcher strains. This is the process manifestation of the break in the stress strain curves. If luder lines are to be avoided, this thing has to be smoothened as shown in the adjacent curve. This is achieved by the process of skin pass where the strip is given a very minor reduction of the order of 1. % max elongation. This makes the strip surface tough but the interior of the strip retains the softness so that when further drawing operations are carried out, the strip forms smoothly without any evidence of luder lines. The other advantages of temper rolling are as follows: ? Providing desired finishes such as matt or bright on the strip surface ? Imparting flatness to the strip ? Breaking up spangles from galvanized strip Skin pass process:- |[pic] | Skin pass is a process of applying a regulated and very low load on the material in the mill it self. The reduction of thickness in skin pass is just below 5% reduction. The skin pass operation is a single pass operation unlike reduction in the rolling mill. The operation is similar to rolling but only one pass from pay off reel to delivery reel is giving with minimum load and with required surface finish work rolls and with proper tension. Anticrimping rolls are used in the skin pass for good shape control and to go flat surface. Surface roughness of the material is measured with the help of surface roughness checking unit i. . ,SURTRONIC-10. After the skin pass a sample is taken from the strip and it is sent to quality assurance department to find out the different properties like UTS,YS,elongation,hardness,drawability and bending. QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT Various mechanical test has to be done on the sample taken from the product(coil) to prove its quality. The various machine ry in use,in QAD are †¢ Vacuum spectroscopy †¢ Rockwell Hardness Machine †¢ Vickers hardness machine †¢ Universal testing machine †¢ Ericsson testing machine †¢ Optical microscope. HARDNESS TEST: Hardness is defines as â€Å"Resistance of metal to plastic deformation, usually by indentation. However, the term may also refer to stiffness or temper, or to resistance to scratching, abrasion, or cutting. It is the property of a metal, which gives it the ability to resist being permanently, deformed (bent, broken, or have its shape changed), when a load is applied. The greater the hardness of the metal, the greater resistance it has to deformation. There are three types of tests used with accuracy by the metals industry; they are the Brinell hardness test, the Rockwell hardness test, and the Vickers hardness test. ROCKWELL HARDNESS TEST: The Rockwell Hardness test is a hardness measurement based on the net increase in depth of impression as a load is applied In the Rockwell method of hardness testing, The indenter may either be a steel ball of some specified diameter or a spherical diamond-tipped cone of 120? angle and 0. 2 mm tip radius, called Brale. The type of indenter and the test load determine the hardness scale(A, B, C, etc) A minor load of 10 kg is first applied, which causes an initial penetration and holds the indenter in place. Then, the dial is set to zero and the major load is applied. Upon removal of the major load, the depth reading is taken while the minor load is still on. The hardness number may then be read directly from the scale. SCALES AND VALUES: The different scale used for different materials are tabulated as follows: |Various Rockwell scales[7] | |Scale | VICKERS HARDNESS TEST: Vickers hardness is a measure of the hardness of a material, calculated from the size of an impression produced under load by a pyramid-shaped diamond indenter. Devised in the 1920s by engineers at Vickers, Ltd. , in the United Kingdom, the diamond pyramid hardness test, as it also became known, permitted the establishment of a continuous scale of comparable numbers that accurately reflected the wide range of hardnesses found in steels. The indenter employed in the Vickers test is a square-based pyramid whose opposite sides meet at the apex at an angle of 136?. The diamond is pressed into the surface of the material at loads ranging up to approximately 120 kilograms-force, and the size of the impression (usually no more than 0. 5 mm) is measured with the aid of a calibrated microscope. The Vickers number (HV) is calculated using the following formula: HV = 1. 854(LD2) [pic] with L being the applied load (measured in kilograms-force) and D2 the area of the indentation (measured in square millimetres). The applied load is usually specified when HV is cited. As a result of the latitude in applied loads, Vickers testers is applicable to measuring the hardness of very thin sheets as well as heavy sections. The specimen is taken from the strip and indentation is done by using both vicker and Rockwell and then the values of Vickers and Rockwell is tabulated . TENSILE TEST:- Tensile test is done to know the tensile strength, yield strength and percentage elongation of the material whether they are in specified limits of the customer tolerances are not. Tensile test values apply to transverse specimen in case of sheets/strips. Strips having a width of 250mm and below shall be tested longitudinally. UNIVERSAL TESTING MACHINE [pic] PROCEDURE:- Tensile test is widely used to determine strength, ductility, toughness, resilience and several other material properties. A test specimen of rectangular crossection of 20mm width of suitable length is prepared from the material to be tested. During the preparation of the sample to avoid sharp sides by deburring the sample with the help of file, this reduces the chances of failures of specimen at low stress values. After this the specimen is held by suitable means between the two heads of a testing machine and subjected to a progressively increasing tensile load till the specimen fractures. A record of the load acting on the specimen with progressive extension of the specimen is obtained. YIELD STRENGTH:- Most non ferrous materials and high strength steels do not possess a well defined yield point. For these materials the maximum useful strength is the yield strength. The yield strength is the stress at which the material exhibits a specifies limiting deviation from the proportionality of stress to strain. This value is usually determined by the â€Å"off-set method†. The value of off-set method is generally between 0. 1 and 0. 2 % of the gauge length. The value of yield strength can be calculate by YS = ((DIVISIONS * LOAD) / (WIDTH * GAUGE)) = †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. N/sq. mm Here, the divisions are obtained from the graph between stress and strain given by the UTS machine. The experimental values are tabulated. DUCTILITY: The ductility of material is indicated by the amount of deformation i. e. , possible until fracture. This is determined in tension test by two measurements ELONGATION: This is determined by fitting together, after fracture, the parts of the specimen and measuring the distance between the original gauge marks Elongation=(Lf-Lo)/ LoX100 Where Lf-Final gauge length Lo- Original gauge length In reporting percentage elongation, the Original gauge length must be specified since the percentage elongation will vary with gauge length Elongation is carried out in UTS machine and the values are obtaines in either 50 GL 80 GL. The experimental values are tabulated: ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH: The value of ultimate tensile strength gives the maximum stress that the strip can with stand before fracture and this value can be calculated by the graph obtained from the universal testing machine. The graph plotted in between the load applies and strain. UTS = (LOAD/(WIDTH * GAUGE)) = †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. N/sq. mm EXPERIMENTAL DATA Mechanical Properties: | |S/P ID |MIDDLE |S/P OD | |COIL NO |83215-A |83215-A |83215-A | |SIZE |492 X 1. 8 |492 X 1. |492 X 1. 8 | |QUALITY |D |D |D | |SPECIFICATION |S/P (ID) |CTL (M) |S/P (OD) | |GAUGE |2. 0 |1. 8 |1. 78 | |WIDTH |20. |20. 2 |20. 3 | |LOAD |14000N |10206N |12370N | |UTS |348. 25N/sq. mm |320. 72N/sq. mm |342. 37N/sq. mm | |HRB |59 |57 |57 | |YS |250. 7N/sq. mm | |271. 25N/sq. mm | |ELONGATION | | | | |80GL |41 |40 |38 | |50GL |47 |46 |44 | |S/P ID |MIDDLE |S/P OD | |COIL NO |83312-A |83312-A |83312-A | |SIZE |408 X 1. 2 |408 X 1. 2 |408 X 1. | |QUALITY |EDD |EDD |EDD | |SPECIFICATION |S/P (ID) |CTL (M) |S/P (OD) | |GAUGE |2. 4 |1. 22 |1. 29 | |WIDTH |20. 2 |20. 3 |20. | |LOAD |14000N |6870N |7470N | |UTS |288. 77N/sq. mm |277. 39N/sq. mm |285. 25N/sq. mm | |VPN/RHN |75 |42/43 |44/45 | |YS |235. 14N/sq. mm |214. 81N/sq. mm |265. 14N/sq. m | |ELONGATION | | | | |80GL |40 |41 |41 | |50GL |46 |47 |47 | COLD ROLLED SLITTING The width of the coil at the time of HR Slitting is planned such that the width at which the material is rolled will be generally in multiples of the requirements. Also at the time of rolling the edges of the sheet will be damaged. So in order to remove the spoiled edges the cold roll slitting is done. The slitting of the coil is done according to work order. The main purpose of slitting is to ensure that:- 1. width is always as per the W. O requirements and the properties are also ensured 2. sufrace of the strips on both sides is to be ensured as free from defects such as rust, pits, holes,scales,dents,unslit edges, laminations,patches,scratches,scoring and other defects which disturbs the end products 3. hape,cambers and other requirements has given in the W. O are totally ensured. 4. Rust preventive oil is applied uniformly on all sheets or wraps. PROCESS: The coils are placed on the coil car by EOT cranes. The coil mandrel is expanded to grip the coil and binding strap is cut. The uncoiler is inched by the inched drive and the load end is separated from the coil. The load end is taken to the entry pinch roll, hold down roll is lifted and fu rther threading is done by jogging pinch roll drive. [pic] | Side guide is adjusted to the correct width. The slitter drive is jogged and load end is passed ahead of the slitter. The loop pit table is transverse over the pit by jogging slitter. The slit stands are taken to drag wise over the loop pit table which is separated and threaded to recoiler. The slit stands are passed properly in the rewind mandrel. The drag vice is closed and few wraps are taken by jogging and the recoiled is under low tension. The scrap is threaded to scrap winder and initially winding is done by jogging the drive. The machine can be run at a required speed The CRS machine is chosen as per the specifications of the machine for which the gauge of the sheet forms the important criteria. The specifications of different CRS machines are as follows: CRS I: MAKE : M/S DAS NAGAR, KOLKATTA SPECIFICATIONS : I/P COIL THICKNESS : 0. 25 to 6mm max ID : 500mm OD : 1800mm MAX COIL WT : 10MT O/P COIL WIDTH : 20mm to 710mm NO OF SLITS : 7 max TOL : +/- 0. 15 ID : 400/500mm OD : 1800mm CRS II: MAKE : M/S BOMBAY CRANES PVT. LTD, MUMBAI SPECIFICATIONS : I/P COIL THICKNESS : 100mm to 7. 2mm max ID : 500mm OD : 1800mm MAX COIL WT : 10MT O/P COIL WIDTH : 20mm to 710mm max NO OF SLITS : 7 max TOL : +/- 0. 15 ID : 500mm OD : 1800mm CRS III: MAKE : LYKA INDUSTRIES, KOLKATTA SPECIFICATIONS : I/P COIL THICKNESS : 0. 3 to 1. 2mm ID : 400(500mm) OD : 1600mm MAX COIL WT : 2MT O/P COIL WIDTH : 6mm to 250mm ID : 400(500mm) OD : 1500mm NO OF SLITS : 7 max TOL : + / – 0. 15 CUT TO LENGTH After slitting of CR coils in slitters into required sheet form, it will taken into the C. T. L Units. The coil is fed through leveler and copped to the length required by the customer. The length, width, thickness, quality and the visible defects are checked by the quality department persons. The finished sheets and strips shall be free from harmful defects, such as scale, rust, blisters, laminations, pitting, porosity, cracks or torn edges or any other defects which are harmful to the intended use. The degree or amount of surfaces defects in a coil may be expected to be more than in cut length because of the impossibility of rejecting portions of the coil. This shall be taken into account by the purchaser in his assessment of the material. An excessive amount of defects may lead to the rejection of lot. The sheets shall be reasonably flat and edges cleanly sheared and squared to the specified dimensions. The CTL machine is selected according to the work order i. e. the gauge and size required. The specifications of the machines are: CTL I: MAKE : TATA DAVY LTD. , KOLKATTA MIN WIDTH : 30mm THICKNESS : 0. 4mm LENGTH : 340mm I/P COIL ID : 400/500mm COIL WEIGHT : 7. 5MT max MAX WIDTH : 685mm THICKNESS : 3. 1mm LENGTH : 3000mm I/L COIL OD : 1800mm CTL II: MIN WIDTH : 30mm THICKNESS : 2. 0mm LENGTH : 400mm I/P COIL ID : 400/500mm COIL WEIGHT : 7. 5MT max MAX WIDTH : 720mm THICKNESS : 6. 5mm LENGTH : 3500mm I/L COIL OD : 1800mm CTL III: MAKE : M/S GODREJ, MUMBAI MIN WIDTH : 70mm THICKNESS : 0. 2mm LENGTH : 450mm I/P COIL ID : 500mm COIL WEIGHT : 7. 5MT max MAX WIDTH : 720mm THICKNESS : 1. 6mm LENGTH : 4500mm I/L COIL OD : 1800mm DESPATCH Sheets and strips shall be supplied in coils or bundles of cut length or in packages each weighing not more than three tones as may be agreed the purchaser and the supplier. Sheets and strips shall be packed in water proof paper or polythene lined Hessian and securely tied around with hoop iron. A number of coils may be bundled with wooden patterns in between or may be packed in wooden boxes. Strips may also be packed with separate thin metallic sheets wrapped around and with bands of hoop iron. ———————– PICKLING HR SLITTING INSPECTION RAW MATERIAL ROLLING ANNEALING SKIN PASS MATERIAL TESTING CR SLITTING CUT TO LENGTH PACKING & DESPATCH

A researcher strongly believes Essay

1.A researcher strongly believes that physicians tend to show female nurses less attention and respect than they show male nurses. she sets up an experimental study involving observations of health clinics in different conditions. In explaining the study to the physicians and nurses who will participate, what steps should the researcher take to eliminate experimental bias based on both experimenter expectations and participant expectations.? The first step should be to consider that using an experiment in clinical conditions is a bad idea. An ethnographic study might be a better approach. The next step should be to consider what is really being studied. Is the point of the study to determine how physicians treat female nurses when compared to male nurses, or is it to determine the degree of difference? Would the individual’s gender (both that of the doctor and that of the nurse) make a difference? The results of a study would not be valid without considering the possibility that it is gender, not sex, that makes the difference. If pressed to design this experiment, I would gain permission to do the observation (or experiment, if you prefer). Then I would ask the doctors and nurses involved to participate in training vignettes. I would film the vignettes so that my work could be triangulated by other researchers. I would have a research assistant play the role of a patient, but would not disclose to the doctor and nurse that this was not a real patient. I would ask the doctor(s) to film the training vignette, perhaps of the way to decide whether or not to order a particular type of test, twice. The first time they would be given a male or female nurse; the second time, the reverse. The videos would be observed by myself and a research diary kept, with my personal feelings about the vignettes and the participant’s actions recorded so that any bias could be accounted for later. I would write my conclusions about the individual’s behaviors. Then, I would have two other researchers do the same. The conclusions of the three researchers would be compared and if two of the researchers had the same opinion about the behaviors of the physician, that opinion would be recorded as the official observation. The outlier observation would be recorded and archived. If the time was available I would film each physician six times: with a masculine male nurse, with a feminine male nurse, with a masculine female nurse, with a feminine female nurse, and with an obviously transgender male and female. The repetitive nature of doing this could easily be explained by saying the â€Å"client† was not clear what they wanted yet. 2.In what ways is the â€Å"fight-or-flight response helpful to humans in emergency situations? The fight or flight response helps the individual who is in an emergency situation to get the â€Å"blood pumping† so that the body can effectively run, or fight. The heart rate goes up; the individual may sweat or develop goose bumps. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system governs flight or fight. Once the emergency is over – or perhaps, there never was an emergency, but the person believed there was – the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system takes over and helps calm the body down. The parasympathetic system stores energy for the next time it is needed in an emergency. The simplistic answer to this question is that fight or flight helps the human body prepare to survive. 3 Much research is being conducted on repairing faulty sensory organs through devices such as personal guidance systems and eyeglasses, among others. Do you think that researcher should attempt to improve normal sensory capabilities beyond their â€Å"natural† range (for example make human visual or audio capabilities more sensitive than normal)? What problems might this cause? This is both a question of science, and of ethics. We may be able to do something (even without unwanted side effects) but this does not mean we should. Once the capacity exists to better ourselves through technology, individuals who are in competitive situations will want this technology to make themselves more competitive. Perhaps a cochlear implant, for example, can be used not only for the non-hearing to hear, but to make the hearing have something resembling super-hearing, without being detectable by others. It is easy to foresee a situation where CEOs would want this implant to make  it possible to hear what members of the board are muttering, or that football players would want it so they can hear what the opposing quarterback is saying in the huddle. From a technical perspective, however, the human body is not comprised of stand-alone parts any more than a car or truck is. The body is put together in a system. The body’s parts are designed to work together in a particular way, much the same way that the carburetor, air filter, engine, spark plugs, and cooling system are designed to work together in a vehicle. The vehicle cannot work correctly if the driver of a 68 Mustang takes out the fuel pump designed for that vehicle and inserts one designed for a 2002 Humvee. The frame is not the same; the engine is not the same. Parts are not plug-and-play; they are not interchangeable. They have to be matched. In a car, trying to string together parts designed for a variety of vehicles will result in one of three outcomes: either the parts won’t work together as a whole, they will work together but badly, or they will work together and then blow out prematurely. The human body would be exactly the same. One size does not fit all.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Questions - Assignment Example Rules 4 and 5 are the most appealing because by adding value to the audiences’ life, marketers reap my seeing their efforts rewarded through improved sales turnover and ultimately profitability. Simplicity: The whole concept was very simple to understand and put into practical use. Given the entire process is done on one platform; Facebook, consumers found it convenient to download the App, make their cases to friends on why they deserved the piece and finally redeem the virtual and real pizza from the same online platform. Social Connection: The social element that involves sharing not only the fun involved in lobbying for a price but also sitting together for a real meal inn the end made the campaign add tangible social value to users. Uniqueness: At the time of its launch, there were not many campaigns that could convert virtual to real gifts and this distinctive aspect of the campaign made it stand out and eventually successful. The unique aspect of this campaign and millions of Facebook users gives Pizza Hut a reason to replicate this in the U.S with guaranteed success. The social aspect of the human race knows no geographic boundaries and the flavor this campaign added to friendships in Australia are what it would add to consumers of pizza in any part of the world, the U.S included. Pizza Hut should therefore replicate this campaign in the U.S before competitors come up with similar projects. Chiat Strategic Excellence Awards. (2011) Jay Chiat Awards Winners | "Feed a Friend: Leveraging the Natural Fit Between Loyalty and Social Media". 4As Jay Chiat Awards for Strategic Excellence. Retrieved March 11, 2013, from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Home work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Home work - Essay Example Often, this music is generated from computer-based sound systems to generate the necessary background of the play (The Open University, 2012). Ambient sounds. These are mechanical sounds like the clicking of drives or a CD-ROM, or opening of a drawer, or removing a bottle cap to demonstrate that something is operated correctly (The Open University, 2012). In the movie The Graduate, the viewer can hear the sounds of a closing door, voices of guests that are faded down, light switch or the sounds of the radio when music was played. You could also hear footsteps and sound of a vehicle being parked. (2)Using a film that youve watched in class, give an example of subtextual dialogue. Quote the dialogue using the format shown on page 91-2 in the text book. Summarize the text of the dialogue and then explain the dialogues subtext   This was lifted from the episode when Mrs. Robinson attempted to tempt Ben for a sex but was halted upon the arrival of Mrs. Robinson’s husband (Buck, 1967). Mrs. Robinson was so expressive of her desire amid outright refusal and confusion of Ben on how to feign responsibly to this desire without insulting and getting hatred from the woman and anger from her husband (Buck, 1967) (3) Choose a scene from a film that you watched in class. You can use Rear Window by Hitchcock Briefly describe the scene and its accompanying sound.. Explain in the detail how the various types of sound contribute to the atmosphere, plot and theme. In the scene 10 of movie Rear Window where Lisa sat on bed browsing magazine and travel book, the episode was accompanied by a love song to add meaning to unspoken passion as the man is limited by his disability to maybe sit or lay besides Lisa (Hitchcock, 2011). The director used the music to bridge love in this couple and to replace supposed dialogues. Hitchcock (2011) explained that to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Bad lending leading to the East Asian crisis in 1990s Essay

Bad lending leading to the East Asian crisis in 1990s - Essay Example 347). The basic diagnosis attributed the crisis to the financial chaos caused by the financial systems riddled by the insider dealings, weak corporate governance, and corruption that caused inefficient spending investment. This weakened stability in the banking system. The economies in East Asia were successful for generations, and the crisis in1997 was unanticipated despite Yung Chul Park (1996) warning against impending crisis. Many foreign investors invested a lot of funds even at the onset of the crisis (Choe and Chinmay 2007, p. 232-255). This paper investigates on the bad lending that led to the financial crisis in East Asia in 1990s. This is because of the success of economies  in East Asia that led to massive financial inflows in years leading to crisis, with few warning signs. Background to financial crisis Central to the full understanding of the cause of East Asian crisis is multifaceted evidence on the structure of the incentives used by financial and corporate sectors, which operated in the area. The moral problem magnified the financial vulnerability during the liberalization of the market in 1990s. This exposed fragility concerning the macroeconomic and the financial shocks that occurred between 1995 and 1997. This problem exhibited the three different, yet interrelated dimensions at corporate, the financial and the international level (Choe and Chinmay 2007, p. 232-255). The political pressures at the corporate level maintained high economic growth rates that guaranteed the private projects under government control. Even in the absence of the explicit bail-out promises, strategies and production plans of the corporate sector overlooked the riskiness and the costs of the investment projects. The industrial and financial policy enmeshed in the widespread business sector of political and personal favouritism and markets operated under the impression of their investment returns being insured from the adverse shocks. This represented underpinnings of the sustained process of accumulation of capital leading to account deficits. The investment rate remained high because of the fall in interest rates of neighbouring countries like Japan. As a result, banks borrowed excessively from abroad as well as lending excessively at home (Ichikawa 1998, p. 155-179). Extensive liberalization of the capital markets consistently provided large supply of funds at minimized costs to the domestic, corporate sector and national financial institutions. This motivated the exchange rate policies that reduced volatility of domestic currency in US dollars lowering the risk premium on the dollar-denominated debt. Internationally, moral hazard hinged on behaviour of the international banks. Over the period that led to crisis, international bands rented a lot of funds to the domestic intermediaries in the region neglecting the risk assessment standards. They presumed the direct government guarantee to the short-term interbank liabilities through bailout using the IMF support programs (Ichikawa 1998, p. 155-179). The stagnation of economy in Japan in 1990s lowered the exports from Asian countries. Few months before the crisis in East Asia, economy of Japan declined significantly, thus shattering the recovery process. The fall in ‘semi-conductors’ demand in 1996, and the adverse fluctuations in trade worsened the trade balances between 1996 and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Educational Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Educational Change - Assignment Example Every person has one or more disabilities. It might be physical or psychological disability. One of the main reasons of learning disabilities is the lack of concentration. Student's thoughts divert very easily. They could not keep up their concentration level up to the mark. Short-term memory is also one of the reasons. Some of them were unable to remember previous days lessons or unable to grasp features of learned lessons quickly. Due to the above-mentioned reasons teachers should be responsible towards the students. The best way to teach is to give students a way in which they grasp easily. Here comes the usage of technology where graphical user interface systems can be used to make students understand the subjects easily. They should employ different teaching methods so that students could easily grasp the subject. Student oriented and student concentric activities should be encouraged. Assessing student's abilities and disabilities is the major factor and teachers should strive to identify these issues. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses one can easily work on these issues. Self-confidence plays an important role in everyone's lives. It is the deciding factor that decides a winner and a loser. Like in any other department catering department also needs to work on the above-mentioned reasons so that most of the students were benefited. The classes were conducted as per the schedule. Eight students a day attend the classes on different days of a week. Each batch of the students has to attend classes 4 days a week. Classes had been classified into theory and practical. During these 4 days 3 hours of practical lessons and 1 hour of theory lessons would be conducted.More number of hours was allotted to practical lessons because students could gain hands on experience with the tools and the methods that would be employed during the course process. Theory lessons were also as important as practical lessons. In theory classes discussions would be held, future plans could be discussed and many other things could be employed. COMPLEXITY Students attending these classes may suffer from learning disabilities. The onus is on lecturers or on the teaching staff. They should shoulder the responsibility of improving student's abilities and make them believe in themselves.For example in catering care should be taken about following health standards. The students should be taught about the basic heath, safety and hygiene rules. The teaching staffs have to ensure that every student follows the safety standards prescribed by the health department. Negligence regarding health and standards should be treated severely. If violated counselling of students should be conducted. All the safety measures should be up to date and checks has to be done on safety equipment. Since kitchen is not a safe place first aid and emergency telephone numbers should be kept in an easily accessible place.In theory classes teachers should employ different methods of teaching so that students can grasp easily. There should a constant interaction betwe en student and teacher. This kind of interaction eases the tension in the classroom and student feels at home and shows signs of interest in the subject. PRACTICALITY Manufacturing and maintenance industry has been flourishing in the Internet era. These computers along with the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Needs to be changed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Needs to be changed - Essay Example I usually have to hear car horns and even during night time. This has put me and my family in a fix as to what we ought to do in order to have some peace within our lives. In fact, I can go to great heights to make sure that this passageway does not pose as a problem. To understand how this problem can be solved, perhaps there could be signs put up on the passageway because the people must be told to wait for their turn to pass their vehicles without honking too much. They need to be told that people live here in the vicinity and it is their right to breathe easily. Too much honking of car horns and onlookers having a say within the lives of the residents is something that raises quite a few eyebrows. There is a dire need to understand that privacy remains supreme more than anything else, and this is the responsibility of the authorities who have taken charge of the entire area. The passageway is therefore one bone of contention as far as understanding the nuances of the area are concerned. The neighbors also echo the same sentiments because they believe that their privacy is being compromised upon and they can do anything to make sure this does not happen. Once I spoke to an elderly resident who seconded my feelings. He was of the view that the passageway should be turned into a no thoroughfare but then again this did not seem like a possibility. Erecting barriers at the end of the passageway would work too but the authorities would not agree to this as they are of the view that the street is a wide one and commuting along such a street is indeed an easy way out for the vehicles and pedestrians to reach the main highway. However, much thinking needs to be done on the part of the people involved because it will ensure where shortcomings lie and how people need to enact measures to make amends. This will bring a great deal of sanity within the related ranks and allow the residents to live easily without any fear or trouble. In

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 8-11 problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 8-11 problems - Essay Example High inflation is usually because there is too much money floating around in the economy. If the inflation gets out of hand, the FED will need to enforce a monetary policy that will slow down money being spent in the economy. The slowing of the economy will increase unemployment. 9. What is the exchange rate between the Euro and the US Dollar? What is the exchange rate between the US Dollar and the currency of your country? ( If there is an overlap in the currencies, choose any two of interest.) Discuss the trends in these exchange rates. The exchange rate between the U.S. Dollar and the Euro is .72 for each U.S. Dollar. This means that the U.S. Dollar is worth more than the Euro. The exchange rate between the U.S. Dollar and Canada is 1.022. This means that the U.S. Dollar is worth .022 more than the Canadian Dollar. The exchange rate for the U.S. Dollar and the Polish Zloty is 2.957. This means that it requires 2.957 Zloty to equal one U.S. Dollar (Exchange-Rates 2011). The trends for these exchange rates are steady for the U.S. Dollar and the three given countries. Over the past year, the rates compared to the U.S. Dollar have slowly risen. The U.S. Dollar has obtained more value in recent years compared to other money. The U.S. Dollar is most equal with the Canadian Loony. 10. Forecast the price of a barrel of oil at June 30, 2010.

A global perspective on Philadelphia Community Based Organizations Essay

A global perspective on Philadelphia Community Based Organizations - Essay Example des safe, engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social, emotional, physical, cultural and academic skills† - Debbie Stabenow. â€Å"Afterschool is the time when young people discover their interests and strengths hat often lead to decisions they will make as adults. This program will truly impact the lives of this young people with profound and positive long- term benefits.† – Gina Warner; Executive Director Partnership for Youth Development. In most of the schools, the ringing of the 3 p.m. normally marks the end of school day activities for many students. This means that they can go home and play and the same time do whatever they please. The students end up engaging in activities that are not productive since they have no one to guide them. The parents who would have guided them are busy the same time either at work or pursuing further studies. In turn, this had led to the children going through a series of poor performance. The pupils also don’t have the time to develop their potential in terms of creativity (Old Pine Community Centre). The Old Pine Community Centre Afterschool Program plays the role of ensuring that the students done waste their time. This is through the provision of the essential services like the supervised and safe environment. It also provides healthy meals and snacks, academic enriching activities and supportive and caring mentors for the students. The children are also taken through exercises which ensure that they are healthy. These activities are provided to the children and family that need most the support. The services are also offered in a cost effective manner compared to the gains that the children get. The program provides the children with the clubs that enable them to interact and share their interests. The services offered are done through qualified personnel such as the counselor or the teachers. This ensures that the services are of quality and addresses the issues

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Clarity System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Clarity System - Essay Example The clarity works in a very interesting way; it generates quotations, verifies, compute all the orders, delivery notes, invoices on the PDF, word and even Excel formats. Quotations are normally worked out at jaw-dropping speed using powerful computation wizards which is compatible to almost all business sectors. Faraday & Howard (2003) The function of the Excel spreadsheet in the systems clarity space is a hotly mooted debate. Undeniably the unfettered use of spreadsheets in a financial setting creates significant risks. The spreadsheet constitutes an infinite flexibility which is strength as good a weakness. Altered changes and calculation errors that are not authentic can easily undermine the integrity of a spreadsheet budget and the entire consolidated process. The harnessing of bigger characteristics of Excel enhances organisations to leverage the high investment that is already made in the spreadsheet bound processes. Gerald A.M (2006) Clarity advances the precepts by deploying the look and feel of excel. The excel/web interface enhances the acceleration and incorporation of clarity system which reduces training costs because the templates and reports can look like any other spreadsheet. It simplifies deployment of the application since users can access the system via a browser which is already on their desktop. The advantage of using web/excel as the basic user interface is that it's a universal language that has been integrated and used in most organisations. Gerald A.M (2006) Single Centralised Data Model The CPM programs are normally defined as closed loop process, where determining functionality from strategic objectives and long term plans are integrated operational budgets that are monitored, evaluated and reported against absolute results. For a dynamic environment like that one for a construction company, it is advisable that information is shared across the board by the most crucial functionalities and procedures so that there is no replication of data and integrity of information is guaranteed. The structural information such as cost centre account or product group should be consistent whenever observed in the CPM functional suite. However, clarity system supports this capability through a single centralized data model. Gregory Wilberforce (2005) This is in marked contrast to other suppliers that frequently have to 'stage' metadata in complex systems architectures in order to establish consistency across the CPM solution. Inefficiencies such as these impose unwelcome complexity and inevitably invite higher costs of maintenance. Unified Solution Clarity system enhances multi-user functions; many users can integrate with the system through a web based interface, whereas all CPM applications can be accessed through easy-to-use menu system. The modules and templates are also controlled and relayed to the central system. The clarity system offers solutions that address all Corporate Performance Management applications. Single instances of clarity is normally used for budgeting, planning, forecasting, reporting, score carding, consolidations, profitability analysis, sales analysis among many more functions. Open Architecture Clarity systems supports online analytical processing (OLAP) and in conjunction with relational databases like Essbase and Oracle clarity leverages the investments that users have already

Monday, July 22, 2019

Describe people of the 7Ps in a report using your chosen company Essay Example for Free

Describe people of the 7Ps in a report using your chosen company Essay Introduction: For this assignment I am going to explain one of the 7Ps. In this case I am going to describe people for my chosen company, DELL. A board of directors of nine people runs the company. Michael Dell, the founder of the company, serves as chairman of the board and chief executive officer. Other board members include Don Carty, William Gray, Judy Lewent, Klaus Luft, Alex Mandl, Michael A. Miles, and Sam Nunn. Shareholders elect the nine board members at meetings, and those board members who do not get a majority of votes must submit a resignation to the board, which will subsequently choose whether or not to accept the resignation. The board of directors usually sets up five committees having oversight over specific matters. These committees include the Audit Committee, which handles accounting issues, including auditing and reporting; the Compensation Committee, which approves compensation for the CEO and other employees of the company; the Finance Committee, which handles financial matters such as proposed mergers and acquisitions; the Governance and Nominating Committee, which handles various corporate matters (including nomination of the board); and the Antitrust Compliance Committee, which attempts to prevent company practices from violating antitrust laws. The corporate structure and management of Dell extends beyond the board of directors. The Dell Global Executive Management Committee sets strategic directions. Dell has regional senior vice-presidents for countries other than the United States, including David Marmonti for EMEA and Stephen J. Felice for Asia/Japan. As of 2007[update], other officers included Martin Garvin (senior vice president for worldwide procurement) and Susan E. Sheskey (vice president and Chief Information Officer). Conclusion: DELL has got a huge inside organisation with a lot of employees and managers. Read Also:Â  What is a Descriptive Essay

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis of Mobile IP Networks

Analysis of Mobile IP Networks That allows users with mobile devices whose IP address is associated with one network to stay connected when moving to a network with a different IP address. When a user leaves the network with which his device is associated home network and enters the domain of a foreign network. The foreign network uses the MIP protocol to inform the home network of care of address to which all packets for the user’s device should be sent. Mobile IP is most often found in wireless WAN environment where users need to carry their mobile devices across multiple LANs with different IP adders. A common analogy to explain mobile IP when someone moves his residence from one location to another person moves from Boston to newyork. Person drops off new mailing address to newyork post office, newyork post office notifies Boston post office of new mailing address. When Boston post office receives mail for person it knows to forward mail to person’s newyork address. DHMIP approaches still requires the new location update and packet route processing in foreign agents belonging to the hierarchy increasing the mobility signaling and packet delivery delay. Though the foreign agents hierarchy increases the network resources used for packet delivery and location update signaling for an ongoing communication. The path reestablishment is performed only between home agents and foreign agents. However the bandwidth used by a mobile terminal for packet delivery is high because several connections are used for packet’s transfer to the mobile terminal. It is clear that the total bandwidth used for signaling and packet delivery. The forwarding through multiple foreign agents will cause some service delivery delay, which may not be appropriate when there is delay restraint for some internet application such as video or voice services. In order to avoid excessive packet transmission delay. We set a threshold on the level number of the hierarchy in the DHMP scheme. When the threshold is reached the mesh host will register to its home agent. MHMIP reduces the frequency of the location update to home agent. This update is performed every inter gateway foreign agents mobility rather than every inter foreign agents mobility limiting the location update processing only at the gateway foreign agents. Hence this approach allows reducing the mobility signaling delay compared to the HMIP DHMIP approaches specifically for high mobility mobile terminals. However it is network resources consuming approach due to multicast protocol use. MHMIP mobility approach compares very favorable with the previously considered mobility approaches. More specially our analysis gives in almost all cases a lower mean handoff delay per call. The multicast has been proposed to be used for mobility support and specifically in wireless networks with small radio calls and high mobility of mobile terminals. They can be classified in to multicast based mobility in connection oriented and connectionless networks. Connection oriented where a multicast connection tree is reestablished. This tree is a collection of radio base stations and ATM network switches connected to the tree’s root. The signaling delay is limited to the activation and deactivation of pre-establishment branch in the tree. Connectionless multicast to mobile IP to reduce the handoff delay. The home agent encapsulates the intercepted packets in to multicast packets and sends them to the targeted mobile terminal over multiple foreign agents. The performs of multicast mobility approaches has been evaluated through simulation or through analytic models. A set of performance metrics such as handoff delay, packet loss and bandwidth overhead due to handoff have been identified and evaluated for multicast mobility approaches. Sentence change: DHMIP approaches still require the location that is new and packet route processing in foreign agents belonging to the hierarchy increasing the mobility signaling and packet delivery delay. Though the foreign agents hierarchy increases the network resources used for packet delivery and location update signaling for an communication that is ongoing. The path reestablishment is performed only between home agents and agents that are foreign. However the bandwidth used by a mobile terminal for packet delivery is high because several connections are used for packet’s transfer to the |terminal that is mobile. It is clear that the bandwidth that is total for signaling and packet delivery. The forwarding through multiple foreign agents will cause some service delivery delay, which may not be appropriate when there is delay restraint for some application that is internet as video or voice services. In order to avoid packet transmission delay that is excessive. We set a threshold on the known level number of the hierarchy in the DHMP scheme. When the threshold is reached the mesh host shall register to its home agent. MHMIP reduces the frequency of the location update to home agent. This update is performed every inter gateway foreign agents mobility rather than every inter foreign agents mobility limiting the location update processing only at the gateway agents that are foreign. Hence this approach allows reducing the mobility delay that is signaling to the HMIP DHMIP approaches specifically for high mobility mobile terminals. However it is network resources approach that is consuming to multicast protocol use. MHMIP mobility approach compares very favorable with the previously considered mobility approaches. More specially our analysis gives in almost all full cases a lower mean handoff delay per call. The multicast has been proposed to be used for mobility support and specifically in wireless networks with small radio calls and mobility that is high of terminals. They can be classified in to multicast based mobility in connection oriented and networks that are connectionless. Connection oriented where a connection that is multicast is reestablished. This tree is a collection of radio base stations and ATM network switches connected to the tree’s root. The delay that is signaling limited to the activation and deactivation of pre-establishment branch in the tree. Connectionless multicast to IP that is mobile reduces the handoff delay. The home agent encapsulates the intercepted packets in to multicast packets and sends them to the targeted terminal that is mobile multiple foreign agents. The performs of multicast mobility approaches has been evaluated through simulation or through analytic models. A set of performance metrics such as handoff delay, packet bandwidth and loss overhead due to handoff have been identified and evaluated for multicast mobility approaches. Synonyms change: That enables users with cellular devices whose internet protocol address is related with one system to remain connected whenever transferring to a system with a various IP address. When a user renders the communicate with which his system is connected home network and comes into the domain of a foreign network. The foreign network utilizes the MIP protocol to update the home network of care of address to that all packages for the particular user’s device should be sent. Mobile IP is most frequently located in cellular WAN environment where people require to carry their cellular devices throughout multiple LANs with various IP adders. A typical analogy to describe mobile IP when someone moves his residency from one venue to another. Person goes from Boston to newyork. Person declines away new sending address to newyork company, Newyork Company informs Boston Company of new sending address. When Boston company receives email} for the user it knows to forwards email to person’s newyork address. DHMIP strategies still needs the latest venue upgrade and package route operating in foreign agents that belongs to the hierarchy improving the portability signaling as well as package delivery delay. Although the foreign agents structure increases the system sources used for packet supply and area update signaling for the particular continuous communication. The path reestablishment is carried out only between home agents and foreign agents. Although the data transfer usage used by a mobile terminal for packet sending is high because a number of varied connections are generally utilized for packet’s transfer to that mobile terminal. It is apparent that the actual total bandwidth used for signaling and package delivery. The forwarding by using multiple foreign agents will lead to a number of services delivery delay, which may not be recommended when there is delay control for some online application such as video or voice services. In order to avoid extreme packet transmission delay. We specify a threshold on that levels quantity of the hierarchy in the DHMP scheme. When the threshold is achieved the mesh host will subscribe to its home agent. The multicast has been recently suggested that become utilized for mobility service and especially in cellular communities with small broadcast contacts as well as excellent mobility of portable terminals. They can be characterized in to multicast based mobility in connection oriented and connectionless systems. Connection oriented where a multicast connections tree is reestablished. This tree is a collecting to broadcast base channels and ATM community turns connected to the tree’s root. The signaling hold off is restricted to the stimulation and deactivation of pre-establishment division in the tree. Connectionless multicast to cellular IP to minimize the handoff delay. The home agent encapsulates the intercepted packages in to multicast packets as well as sends them to the specific mobile terminal through multiple foreign agents. The performs concerning multicast mobility approaches has been analyzed with representation or through analytical models. A set of performance measurements such as handoff delay, package loss and bandwidth expense due to handoff have been recognized and assessed for multicast mobility strategies. MHMIP minimizes the consistency of the venue upgrade to home agent. This upgrade is conducted every inter gateway foreign agents mobility instead as compared to each inter foreign agents mobility restricting the venue upgrade processing exclusively at the gateway foreign agents. Therefore this strategy enables minimizing the mobility signaling delay when compared to the HMIP DHMIP strategies especially for the extreme mobility cellular terminals. Although it is system sources consuming strategy because of to multicast protocol use. MHMIP mobility technique analyzes very advantageous with the formerly considered mobility techniques. More especially our assessment provides in virtually all cases a lower mean handoff delay per call.